Automatically transfer
Your new body weight data

Access it now


Weemple WeightNet is an easy-to-setup free real-time web integration, to automatically transfer your new body weight measurements between clouds.
Just add your source, target, and you're good to go! Step on your smart scale and find the measurements also on the target platform!

To synchronize historical data, please refer to the WeightHub desktop app.


The availability of the units and types of measurement, depends on the supplier. Here described what we support.
  • Units of Measurement

    Kilogram (kg)

    Pound (lb)

    Stone (st)

    Percent (%)

  • Types of Measurement


    Muscle (mass, percentage)

    Bone (mass, percentage)

    Fat (mass, percentage)

    Water (mass, percentage)


Watch our animated explainer video for more information!


Be free to have different devices from various brands and still sync your weight data across platforms.
You can add one or multiple targets.

The suppliers don't guarantee any real-time functionality, but usually delays are beetween seconds and minutes.
The web integration transmit new data at each minute change and currently support the following cloud platforms.
  • Cloud Sources

    Withings Health Mate

    Garmin Connect

    Fitbit Platform

  • Cloud Targets

    Fitbit Platform

    Google Fit




We take your privacy and security seriously. We don't share or sell your data.
Here you can find more detailed information. Thanks and enjoy our products!


Access the Members Area to setup or manage your integration settings.
Please note: in case of issues to add a cloud, please clear your browsing data and try again.

Registrations until now: 1961